COMPETITOR: The competitor must present himself/herself to the referee suitably attired and physically prepared to compete. Jewelry and other objects that are considered as a safety hazard by the referee are to be removed prior to the competition. The competitor should be prepared to compete at the time of the competition.
RANK RULE: All competitors are to compete with the highest level belt that they have earned in the martial arts. Once a competitor begins competing in the black belt division, he/she must always compete in the black belt division. Competitors are not permitted to compete in a division for a rank lower than the highest rank they have earned in the martial arts.
UNIFORM: All competitors are expected to wear appropriate competition attire. T-shirts, tank tops, and sweat shirts are allowed in forms and weapons, only if they are part of the contestant's official school uniform or list the school's name or logo on the uniform top. Removal of the uniform top in the form and weapons divisions will only be allowed if the removal is considered to be relevant to the artistic expression or safety of the contestant. Sparring uniforms can consist of T-shirts, sweats, or tank tops, providing that they are part of the competitors school uniform and have the competitor style/school logo. The referee will decide if the competitor's uniform is appropriate. The NABBA and tournament officials will make the final decision on whether or not a competitor's uniform is appropriate. All uniforms, T-shirts, etc. that bear advertisements must be approved by NABBA officials before they can be worn for competition. Shorts are not allowed, for any division. Shoes will not be allowed in sparring divisions, but will be accepted for form and weapons competitions. Ail shoes worn must be appropriate and not damage the competition floor.
COMPETITOR RESPONSIBILITIES: The competitor will be expected to know all rules and be ready for competition when he/she is called. When called to compete, the competitor should promptly report to the appropriate ring wearing the required uniform. If a competitor leaves the ring after the competition begins and is not present when his/her name is called to compete; his/her name will be called three timas at ringside. If he/she is not present to compete, he/she will be disqualified.
SAFETY EQUIPMENT: NABBA approved headgear; hand and foot pads, mouthpieces and groin cups (for male competitors only) are mandatory for all competitors in sparring divisions. Equipment will be checked by the referee. If it is deemed unsafe, the competitor will be asked to change the equipment before he/she will be permitted to compete.
HAND PADS: A soft padded surface must cover the fingers, wrist, ridge of the hand, back of the fist, knuckles, and any other striking surface of the hand. For continuous fighting boxing gloves will be required. Youths will be required to use 12-ounce boxing gloves. Adults will be required to use 16-ounce boxing gloves.
FOOT PADS: A soft padded surface must cover the instep, sides, toes, ankles, and back of the heel and of the foot. The bottom of the foot does not have to be padded.
HEADGEAR: The front, sides, and back of the head must be completely covered by a padded surface.
* A properly fitted mouthpiece is required. Shin pads and rib/chest guards are highly recommended for additional safety for all sparring competitors.
* Equipment must be in a good condition and free of heavy taping, tears, or any other repairs that may cause injury. Equipment with too many seams on the striking surfaces will not be allowed.
OFFICIALS, TIMEKEEPERS, AND SCOREKEEPERS TIMEKEEPER: This helper is appointed to keep time. He/she will start and stop time at the command of the center referee and will inform the center referee when the two (2) minutes for point sparring or the three (3) minutes for forms have expired. The timekeeper's duty is not to start or stop the match, but to keep time for the center referee.
SCOREKEEPER: This helper is appointed to keep score. He/she will write down the form scores from each judge, eliminate the high and the Iow score and add the remaining scores to attain a total score. In sparring, the scorekeeper will write down or flip score cards at the command of the center referee. The scorekeeper should inform the center referee when a fighter reaches three points. It is the scorekeeper's duty to listen to the very closely to the center referee and keep score as he/she commands. Any discrepancy or confusion of the score rests in the hands of the center referee, not the scorekeeper. The center referee will make the final score decision.
REFEREE: The referee should be the most experienced official in the ring and be thoroughly versed on the rules. He/she is in complete charge of the ring and the match. It is his/her duty to promote the safety of the contestants, enforce the rules, and ensure fair play. He/she starts and stops the match, awards points, makes penalty decisions, administrates the voting of the other judges, communicates clearly with the timekeeper and scorekeeper, and announces the winner of each match. A loud and clear voice, accompanied by appropriate hand gestures, should be used to indicate the competitor affected by the official decision.
Has the power to start and stop the match.· Has the power to issue warnings and award penalty points without a majority decision.
· Automatically has the power to disqualify any competitor who has received three (3) penalty points, otherwise, there must be a majority vote to disqualify.
· Has the power to issue time-outs. A competitor can ask for a time-out, but it is the referee's decision whether to issue one.
· Cannot call a point of his or her own without a majority vote, unless it is a penalty point.
JUDGES: The judges will call points as they see them. The center referee may consult them to help him/her to determine penalties or warnings, although the referee has to power to issue them. They will be asked to vote on any disqualification. The majority vote of the judges and referee are used to determine a scoring point. No favoritism will be allowed when judging - If proven so, other judges will take the place of the offending judge and the competitor will be disqualified.
CALLS AN OFFICIAL CAN MAKE: When the referee believes that there has been a significant exchange of techniques, or when signaled to do so by another judge, he/she will call out the word "Stop?' in a loud voice. The referee will then return the competitors to their starting marks and address the judges by saying; "Judges call? All judges and the center referee will then cast their votes simultaneously in the following manner.
1. Point is scored - When signaled by the referee, the judge indicates with his/her hand the competitor that he/she believes has scored a point.
2. No point scored - A judge crosses his/her flags or wrists at waist level to indicate that he/she believes no point was scored.
3. No-see - The judge holds his/her hand over his/her eyes indicating he/she could not see whether a point was scored or not. (Same as saying no point)
4. Clash - The judge makes a motion as though he/she is hitting both fists together. This means that both contestants scored at the same time, so there is no point.
5. Penalty - The judge waves hand in a circular motion as he/she points to the offending contestant.
6. Out - The center referee will call "Stop!" when he/she sees a contestant go out of bounds and not come back within bounds immediately. If a call was being made and the judge believes the contestant was out-of-bounds, he/she points the right hand at the nearest out-of-bounds line.
7. Disqualification - Disqualification votes are taken separate from any other vote. When a disqualification is asked for, the center referee will say "Judges call? A judge will then point to the competitor that he/she thinks should be disqualified. If the judge feels that the competitor should not be disqualified, he/she crosses both wrists and holds them down at waist level.
8. When a judge sees a point - He/she should hold up one arm. At the same time, he/she should yell the word "Call" out in a loud and clear voice to let the referee know that he/she has a call.
LATE CALL: Officials should all make their calls at the same time. If, in the opinion of the center referee, the judge is making a late call, the center referee can disqualify the call. Noise interfering with the judge's ability to hear the referee and the honest mistake of pointing in the wrong direction should be taken into consideration not to disqualify the call.
NUMBER OF OFFICIALS: At least one referee and two (2) or four (4) judges shall conduct every sparring elimination match. They will be assisted by a timekeeper and scorekeeper. Five officials are required in all black belt form and weapon divisions. At least three judges are required in all sparring divisions and under black belt form and weapon divisions. All grand champion matches (matches' between first place winners) shall be officiated by five officials (including a referee), a timekeeper, and a scorekeeper.
REMOVAL OF OFFICIALS: In the event that a competitor should feel that an official should be removed from a form or weapon division for a good reason, he/she must file a protest prior to the start of the competition. In the even that a competitor should feel than an official should be removed from a sparring division for a good reason, he/she may file a protest at any time. The decision of whether to excuse the official is totally up to the center referee and the rules arbitrator.
PROTEST: A competitor has the right to protest if an infraction of the rule has been committed, or if a possible mistake was made. This right is not valid for judgement calls. If the competitor wishes to protest, he/she should inform the referee that he/she believes there has been an action against the rules or a mistake has been made. All protests must be made in an orderly and proper manner. Protests must be made immediately. They will not be allowed after the competition has resumed. A competitor will be penalized if he/she protests improperly or without proper cause.
LATE ENTRIES: Once a division has began, (the first competitor has started his/her form/weapon routine or the first has started) no competitors can be added to that division. It is imperative that all competitors arrive promptly at the start of their division.
THE RING: Rings shall be marked with their number visibly to the competitors and officials. The rings shall be at least 16' x 16' minimum for all competitions other than fighting. The fighting rings shall be 20' x 20' minimum.
WEIGHING IN: All adult point fighting, continuous fighting and grappling competitors must be weighed in prior to the competition. Only one official weigh-in is required per competitor. All competitors must fight within his/her own weight division. Competitors cannot fight outside of their own weight division. The tournament personnel will weigh the competitor and record the competitor's weight. Youth boys and girls will not be divided by weight, but by size according to a small/medium/large scale determined by officials of the tournament.
Men's Weight Divisions
Light Weight 0-135 lbs. (0-62 kgs.)
Light Middle Weight 136-150 lbs. (63-69 kgs.)
Middle Weight 151-165 lbs. (70-75 kgs.)
Light Heavy Weight166-180 lbs. (76-82 kgs.)
Heavy Weight 181-205 lbs. (83-94 kgs.)
Super Heavy Weight 206 lbs. & Over (95 kgs. & Over)
Women's Weight Divisions
Light Weight 0.110 lbs. (0-50 kgs.)
Light Middle Weight 111-121 lbs. (51-55 kgs.)
Middle Weight 121-132 lbs. (56-60 kgs.)
Light Heavy Weight 133-143 lbs. (61-65 kgs.)
Heavy Weight 144 lbs. & Over (65 kgs. & Over)
ORDER OF COMPETITION: Forms: Once the final call for the form and weapon divisions has been made, the competitor's cards will be collected. The first three competitors will perform before any scores are awarded. After the third competitor is finished, the first competitor will be called back to be scored followed by the second and third competitors. The purpose of this is to allow the judges to sample the skill of the competitors. All remaining competitors in the division will be judged in comparison to these first three competitors. Sparring: Once the final call for the sparring division has been made at ring side, the competition cards will be collected and counted to see if byes are required. If byes are needed, they will be picked randomly. To determine how many byes are needed, a bye chart will be used. Matches will always be selected by random, but certain allowances may be given to competitors from the same school that are matched up in the first round of competition. If possible, they may be separated randomly from each other in the first round. Competitors cannot pick whom they want or do not want to fight.
LENGTH OF MATCH: Each fight will have a two minute running time, unless five points are scored before time has expired. If the match is tied at the end of two minutes, sudden victory (first person to score a point) overtime period will determine the match.
POINT VALUES AND WINNER DETERMINATION: All legal hand techniques that score will be awarded one (1) point. Ail legal-kicking techniques to the body that score will be awarded one (1) point. Legal kicks to the head will be awarded two (2) points. Legal jumping kicks to the body will be awarded two (2) points. Legal jumping kicks to the head will be awarded three (3) points. The competitor with the most points at the end of the allotted time will be declared the winner. The referee will stop to award points during the match.
MAJORITY VOTE: Points are awarded by a majority vote of all judges. The majority of judges do not have to agree on the same technique being scored, only that a point was scored. A majority of the judges must call for a two-point kick to be awarded two points; otherwise only one point will be awarded.
WHAT IS A POINT: A point is defined as a controlled legal sport karate technique scored by a competitor in-bounds and up-right (unless on a declared padded floor) without time being called that strikes a competitor with the allowable amount of focused touch contact.
LEGAL TARGET AREAS: Side of the head, ribs, chest, abdomen, collarbone, kidneys, and side of the leg above the knee (last target area only allowed for adults). The last target area will not be awarded any points.
ILLEGAL TARGET AREAS: Face, spine, back of the neck, throat, sides of the neck, groin, lower legs, knees, and back.
NON-TARGET AREAS: Hips, shoulders, buttocks, arms, and feet.
LEGAL TECHNIQUES: All controlled sports karate techniques can be used by the competitor, provided that they are not listed as illegal.
ILLEGAL TECHNIQUES: Strikes directly to the face, head butts, hair pulls, scratches, bites, elbows, knees, strikes to the eye of any type, any strikes to the head of a downed competitor, slapping, grabbing and holding for longer than one second, blind techniques lacking control, sweeps, and any other moves that are dangerous and deemed unsafe in sport karate.
SWEEPS, GRABS, TAKEDOWNS, AND GROUND FIGHTING: In order to be a legal move, a sweep must be proper and not a kick. The purpose of a sweep is not to takedown an opponent, but rather to disrupt his/her balance in order to follow up with a sport karate technique. This technique is to be executed to the back of the front leg at mid-calf or below only. A point will be awarded when a legal sweep or takedown is effectively and legally followed up with an appropriate sport karate technique. This must occur immediately following the sweep or takedown, otherwise the point will not be counted. Competitors cannot strike a downed opponent.
LIGHT AND MODERATE TOUCH CONTACT: This refers to there being no visible movement of the competitor as result of the contact. Light touch strikes are allowed to all legal target areas. Moderate touch contact refers to slight penetration or slight target movement. This is allowed to all legal target areas, except the face.
WARNINGS AND PENALTIES: Only one warning is given before the competitor is given a penalty point. After the first warning is given, the competitor will be given penalty points for each and every violation of the rules. For the second warning, the competitor will be given one penalty point. For the third warning, the competitor will receive two penalty points. If a competitor receives 4 warnings (3 penalty points), he/she will be disqualified. If the first violation of the rules is deemed to be very severe by the referee, a penalty point can be issued immediately. If a competitor cannot continue as result of an injury caused by an illegal penalized attack executed by his/her competitor, the offending competitor
shall be disqualified. This will be determined by the referee. A competitor can also be penalized for any of the following: striking illegal areas, using illegal techniques, running out of the ring to avoid fighting, falling to the floor to avoid fighting, excessive stalling, continuing after being told to stop, blind and reckless attacks, using offensive language, arguing with the referee, and showing unsportsmanlike behavior.
DISQUALIFICATION: In order for a competitor to be disqualified, a majority vote of all the officials is required, unless there is an automatic disqualification. If a majority of the officials believe that the competitors are not making an obvious attempt to fight in a full-hearted competition, both competitors will be warned. If it continues, they will both be disqualified. If any competitor competes in a division that he/she does not qualify to compete in due to age, weight, rank, gender, or style, he/she will be disqualified.
COACHING: Coaching will be permitted only under the following regulations: (1) A coach may never enter the ring without the permission of the referee, (2) No abusive, violent, or inappropriate coaching will be tolerated, (3) Coaches cannot ask for a time out, only the competitor can ask for a time out, (4) Coaches are never permitted to interfere with the referee of the ring or the decisions of the judges. Any violations by the coach of a competitor can result in the coach being asked to leave the ringside or the competitor being disqualified.
OUT-OF-BOUNDS: A competitor will be regarded as out-of-bounds as soon as he/she does not have at least one foot touching inside or on the boundary line. A competitor that is out-of-bounds cannot score a point while out of bounds. In bounds competitors can score on an out-of-bounds competitor, only if the referee has not called stop.
LENGTH OF MATCH: Each fight will have a three-minute running time. In the event of a tie, the competitors will fight for an additional minute. If there is still a tie, the competitors will fight again and the first competitor to score a point will be declared the winner.
POINT VALUES AND WINNER DETERMINATION: All legal hand techniques to the body that score will be awarded one (1) point. All legal-kicking techniques to the body that score will be awarded one (1) point. Legal kicks to the head will be awarded two (2) points. Legal jumping kicks to the body will be awarded two (2) points. Legal jumping kicks to the head will be awarded three (3) points.
WHAT IS A POINT: A point is defined as a controlled legal sport karate technique scored by a competitor in-bounds and up-right (unless on a declared padded floor) without time being called that strikes a competitor with the allowable amount of focused touch contact
LEGAL TARGET AREAS: Side of the head, ribs, chest, abdomen, collarbone, kidneys, and side of the leg above the knee (last target area only allowed for adults). The last target area will not be awarded any points.
ILLEGAL TARGET AREAS: Face, spine, back of the neck, throat, sides of the neck, groin, lower legs, knees, and back.
NON-TARGET AREAS: Hips, shoulders, buttocks, arms, and feet.
LEGAL TECHNIQUES: All controlled sports karate techniques can be used by the competitor, provided that they are not listed as illegal.
ILLEGAL TECHNIQUES: Strikes directly to the face, head butts, hair pulls, scratches, bites, elbows, knees, strikes to the eye of any type, any strikes to the head of a downed competitor, slapping, grabbing and holding for longer than one second, blind techniques lacking control, sweeps, and any other moves that are dangerous and deemed unsafe in sport karate.
SWEEPS, GRABS, TAKEDOWNS, AND GROUND FIGHTING: In order to be a legal move, a sweep must be proper and not a kick. The purpose of a sweep is not to takedown an opponent, but rather to disrupt his/her balance in order to follow up with a sport karate technique. This technique is to be executed to the back of the front leg at mid-calf or below only. A point will be awarded when a legal sweep or takedown is effectively and legally followed up with an appropriate sport karate technique. This must occur immediately following the sweep or takedown, otherwise the point will not be counted. Competitors cannot strike a downed opponent.
LIGHT AND MODERATE TOUCH CONTACT: This refers to there being no visible movement of the competitor as result of the contact. Light touch strikes are allowed to all legal target areas. Moderate touch contact refers to slight penetration or slight target movement. This is allowed to all legal target areas, except the face.
WARNINGS AND PENALTIES: Only one warning is given before the competitor is given a penalty point. After the first warning is given, the competitor will be given a penalty point for each and every violation of the rules. If a competitor receives 4 warnings (3 penalty points), he/she will be disqualified. If the first violation of the rules is deemed to be very severe by the referee, a penalty point can be issued immediately. If a competitor cannot continue as result of an injury caused by an illegal penalized attack executed by his/her competitor, the offending competitor shall be disqualified. The referee will determine this. A competitor can also be penalized for any of the following: striking illegal areas, using illegal techniques, running out of the ring to avoid fighting, falling to the
floor to avoid fighting, excessive stalling, continuing after being told to stop, blind and reckless attacks, and showing unsportsmanlike behavior.
DISQUALIFICATION: In order for a competitor to be disqualified, a majority vote of all the officials is required, unless there is an automatic disqualification. If a majority of the officials believe that the competitors are not making an obvious attempt to fight in a full-hearted competition, both competitors will be warned. If it continues, they will both be disqualified. If any competitor competes in a division that he/she does not qualify to compete in due to age, weight, rank, gender, or style, he/she will be disqualified.
COACHING: Coaching will be permitted only under the following regulations: (1) A coach may never enter the ring without the permission of the referee, (2) No abusive, violent, or inappropriate coaching will be tolerated, (3) Coaches cannot ask for a time out, only the competitor can ask for a time out, (4) Coaches are never permitted to interfere with the referee of the ring or the decisions of the judges. Any violations by the coach of a competitor can result in the coach being asked to leave the ringside or the competitor being disqualified.
OUT. OF-BOUNDS: A competitor will be regarded as out-of-bounds as soon as he/she does not have at least one foot touching inside or on the boundary line. A competitor that is out-of-bounds cannot score a point while out of bounds. In bounds competitors can score on an out-of-bounds competitor, only if the referee has not called stop.
1 .) Maintain the safety and longevity of the competitors.
2.) Each youth match will be two minutes long. In the event of a tie, a one-minute tiebreaker will be fought. If there is still a tie, the competitors will fight again and the first point scored will determine the winner. Adult matches will be three minutes for intermediate competitors and four minutes for advanced competitors. High advanced adult competitors will compete for five minutes.
3.) No punches, kicks or chokes from throat are allowed.
4.) Controlled takedown & throwing will receive two points.
5.) Any reversal or escape from a hold receives two points.
6.) Near pin or hold down held for 10 seconds receives 5 points, striking negates hold down.
7.) Submission joint locks (elbow, ankle, knee, head on side, No fingers strike or lock) earns 20 points.
8.) Submission earns 20 points. If competitor wants to continue competing it will be up to the referee's decision
1)Gouging or poking the eyes
Striking to groin, kidney, spine, and back of head4)
Head butting5)
Elbowing to any part of body6)
Kneeing to the head or face when either opponent is down7)
Hitting to the face when on the ground8)
Hair Pulling, Pinching, Scratching - Nails must be kept short9)
Tearing or pulling the ear10)
Kicking to the knee joint11)
Stomping with the foot on the feet, face, or body12)
"Fish-hooking" (puffing fingers in opponent's mouth)13)
Avoiding opponent/running out of ring/refusal to fight14)
Unsportsmanlike behavior15)
No smothering of mouth with any part of the body16)
Rude behavior including foul language17)
Any competitor suspected or found consuming any illegal substances forperformance enhancement prior to competition will be suspended
1.) Mouthpiece
2.) Elbow protector
3.) Knee protector
4.) Groin protector
5.) Naked hands and feet - no gloves or foot gear
TIME LIMIT: Every form or weapons routine cannot be more than three minutes long. This time is counted from time the competitor enters the ring to compete.
SCORING RANGES OF FORM AND WEAPONS: The scoring range for Black Belt Grand champions will be from 9.50 to 10.00 points. The scoring range for black belts will be from 8.00 to 9.00 points. The scoring range for kyu belts will be from 7.00 to 8.00points. The scoring range for white belts will be from 6.00 to 7.00 points.
TIES: All ties within the 2nd to 4th place range will be figured by calculating the score including the high and low scores. If the tie cannot be broken this way, the majority of the judge's scores will be used. If there is still a tie, the competitors will perform again to break the tie. All ties for 5th to 8th place are not run off. All ties for first place will require the competitors to perform again in order to break
the tie. The competitors will perform again and the first place winner will be chosen by the judges pointing to the competitor that he/she believes to be the best.
SOFT/HARD/OLYMPIC STYLES: All competitors competing in these divisions are expected to exhibit a form that is reflects the traditional values of the division name in which they are competing. The form does not have to be a classic, but it should contain the style's classical form movements. The competitor can be disqualified or his/her score affected if he/she does not comply.
MUSICAL FORM DIVISIONS: Judges will expect that the music be synchronized with the moves of the form. The beats and the rhythm of the music should be coordinated with the movements of the form.
WEAPON FORM DIVISIONS: Any competitor who unintentionally drops his/her weapon will be disqualified automatically. Any competitor that recklessly misuses his/her weapon may be penalized or disqualified.